Brethren of the Valley of Galveston,
We urgently need to raise $1.5 million to repair the damage that Hurricane Harvey did to the theater area where the scenery is stored. It is now being held together with metal screens and wires to keep it from falling off the building! If that were to happen, the Cathedral might be demolished. We would lose our home since 1929, and Galveston and our grandchildren would lose the last vaudeville theater in East Texas and this exquisite art deco masterpiece.
Donating to our 501c3, the Galveston Theatre and Arts Partnership (GTAP), is the most cost-effective way to save our 1929 Cathedral. Those donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Bro. Jerry Wallace, 32° suggested a great path forward on 9/5/24: I am putting forward $1,000 to pay for 5 brothers past due dues to bring them current. I challenge all other brothers in good standing to pledge under the following challenges.
FIRST Challenge goes to all current brothers in good standing: Pledge $200 to help bring our brothers in arrears forward.
SECOND Challenge all brothers in good standing: Pledge $150 during the 2025 year for the funds to go to the Temple repair fund.
THIRD Challenge Each brother whose dues that have been brought forward to pledge $10 a month for the 2025 year to go into the Temple Repair Fund.”
This urgently requests that we active Brothers step forward and donate at least what Jerry is proposing to GTAP by mail (check or money order please) or online. You will receive a tax deduction letter shortly thereafter.
Brother Jerry’s Challenge could raise 25% of the funds most urgently needed, and reactivate a large percentage of our Valley membership. It’s a great plan! Many thanks to Brother Jerry and to you, our Valley of Galveston, for your support to “Save the Theatre”.